
Holiday Season

The Holiday season (Thanksgiving and Christmas) is soon approaching. Tomorrow (11/28) is Thanksgiving in the United States. This is a time to spend with family and be thankful for all of the things we have in life. Christmas is a similar holiday spent with family celebrating the end of the year, and reflecting on the past year. In Japan, Christmas is a time to enjoy the bright lights (illumination) around the stations and in parks as well as eating cake and KFC. However, it can also be used to think about what we've done this year, and what we would like to do for the next.

What to do when no one is around to talk?

The end of the semester is coming. With only three weeks left, students will have to think about how to study and practice without GTF classes or English Plaza. Three months is a long time without using English and all students need to think about what they can do to keep up their English skills. This blog post will introduce English Central  (EC) as a good option for anyone who wants to practice English using videos. I like EC because it has listening and speaking practice. Videos can be a great way to practice because they are interesting and fun. Many of you spend a lot of time watching videos on Youtube anyway, so why not focus more attention on specific English learning programs.

What should we talk about?

I can start a conversation, but how do I keep it going? This is what a student asked me recently. Once students get comfortable with meeting with other students, keeping the conversation alive can be a challenge. This can be easier if you are in a group of people where it only takes one person to ask a question or make a comment.  In many cases, someone is just waiting for anyone to say something. Here are some ideas to help awkward silences: 1. Share your plan for the day or something you are excited about. 2. If you know someone has a test coming up or a trip, ask about it. 3. Ask your partner or group if they are watching an exciting TV show or if they recently started listening to any new music. 4. Find something in common, like being students in the same class or department.

Conversation Topics

When meeting someone for the first time, it can be a little awkward starting a conversation. This is especially the case if you do not have someone introduce you. Below are six steps to help you introduce someone to your friends. Try it out.  INTRODUCE YOUR FRIENDS RIGHT AFTER SAYING HI. ...  INTRODUCE THEM BY THEIR NAMES. ...  DESCRIBE YOUR FRIENDS BRIEFLY AND HIGHLIGHT THEIR STRENGTHS/BEST   QUALITIES. ...  POINT OUT SIMILARITIES IN INTERESTS/BACKGROUND/LIFESTYLE. ...  INVOLVE EVERYONE IN CONVERSATIONS (FILL THEM IN) ...  GIVE THEM TIME TO TALK TO EACH OTHER.

How can I...

I want to talk to E-Track students but I am shy. What should I do? This is a common question students ask me. My answer is to visit Peer English Practice (PEP). You can talk to SLI interns who are mostly E-Track students. Conversations are for 20 minutes about any topic. In addition to talking with GTFs in the English Lounge, you can also talk with students. Why don't you try it? visit to make a reservation. Go today!!!  

Did you know...

Did you know there are many study resources available on the website? By clicking the Study link, you can find listening/speaking and reading/writing resources. When you visit the English Lounge, you might have played games or discussed topics using some of these resources. The Global Teaching Institute is always looking for ways to provide English language learning support for students. Do you have any recommendations for us?